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How long will it take?
A medium sized room ( 5m x 5m ) would normally take 2 or 3 days to complete from start to finish. Furniture can usually be put back 6-8 hours after the third coat of varnish providing you are using a water based varnish..
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Filling the gaps.

Normal gaps along the joins in the floor boards can look good, but if there is a draught coming up through them then you should really get them filled. Wide gaps can be filled with strips of wood prior to sanding. Small gaps or slight damage like holes for pipes that don't exist anymore or an access hatch can be repaired with filler made up from the sawdust that came from sanding your floor.



Damaged floors can be repaired by replacingfloor boards or filling gaps.

                                      Badly damaged floor boards can be removed and

                                replaced with new or old boards to match the existing floor.